Grief Support Group: Allowing Ourselves to Just Be

Are you missing your people this season? Maybe you are struggling to feel the holiday spirit when everyone else seems filled with joy and excitement.
This group is intended to be a safe space to put all the pressures and expectations down for a bit and just be. As the facilitator, Jenny will create a warm and inclusive space to experience, express, and explore our grief. The hope for our time together is to realize that we are not alone and feel validated and supported in our grief journey(s), whatever they look like.
Our theme for this group is "Allowing ourselves to just be". We will begin with introductions and then dive into the . As the facilitator Jenny will ask questions to spur conversation when necessary to invite participation from group members. If you would like to participate non-verbally by bearing witness to other members, that is fine as well.
Feel free to bring materials for taking notes and recording any impressions that you may have. Also bring tissues if you need them, because tears--and no tears-- are absolutely welcome here.