Glowing Roots - Our Earth Body

We came from the dirt. We will return to the dirt.
But our connection to the ground beneath our feet can be more than just the bookends of our lives.
Together we'll be exploring our connection to Earth with a series of guided meditations to quiet the mind, relax the body, and then expand our awareness out into the field of this massive globe. We'll then have an open discussion where everyone is free to share what came up for them during the meditations. And we'll leave with some new tools to continue cultivating our planetary connection.
We all have the opportunity to feel inside our own bodies the timeless majesty of the mountains, the beauty of all living beings, the mysterious soul of the oceans, the freedom of the wind - just by reaching down and waking up our roots.
As this connection grows, so does our sense of internal stability, allowing us to face the uncertainties and challenges of our daily life with more power and grace.