Dose of Togetherness: Finding Connection when No One Has the Energy to Spare with Megan Devine

We survive hard times by leaning on each other, but how do you lean on someone whose life has gone just as sideways as yours? Megan Devine, psychotherapist, grief advocate, and best-selling author leads us in a discussion on right timing, the continuum of loss, and how to both give and get true support.
The session will begin with a guided meditation and end with small group breakout sessions.
Psychotherapist Megan Devine advocates for a revolution in how we discuss loss - personally, professionally, and as a wider community. She’s the author of the best-selling book, It’s OK that You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief & Loss in a Culture that Doesn’t Understand, translated into 15 languages. Her latest collaborative project, Speaking Grief, is out in 2020 from PBS.