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Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

Suicide Panel: Finding Hope

Hosted by Grieving Coach

August 28, 2020

Suicide Panel: Finding Hope
Have you had a loved one die by suicide? If so, you know that the Grief can be messy and complex. In this panel Elizabeth Coplan from Grief Dialogues and others will share their experience and hope.

Often suicide is considered a taboo subject that is rarely discussed, especially when the death comes as a complete surprise to loved ones. The Grief that accompanies loss to suicide can be very dark and heavy. Many times the survivors are faced with not only Grief, but intense guilt and trauma as well. Processing these experiences and emotions can be very complicated and difficult. But there is hope. And the process can also lead to incredible insight and growth.

In this panel discussion, Jenny Dilts from Grieving Coach will create a safe space to explore the grit it takes for suicide loss survivors to find hope and keep going following their loved one's death. Among the panelists are Elizabeth Coplan from Grief Dialogues, Vena Wilson from Honey Bee Behavioral Health, and Emma Pearson from Widowing Empty Nests. They will share from their own perspectives as they answer questions such as:

  • How have you been affected by suicide?
  • What has the experience been like for you?
  • Where have you found hope?
  • What would you tell others who are suicide loss survivors?

Following the main interview portion, we will open up the discussion for a short Q/A.

Talk, Panel, & Conversation Grief Support

