Daughters InSanity Series Part One: Are You My Mother?
Parent/child relations are often bumpy over a lifetime, but the mother/daughter one can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. Towards the end, when roles can switch – who’s the adult? who’s the child? – the relationship can face its greatest challenge. Daughters InSanity was created to share, vent, learn and laugh with others as they care for an aging parent. This event is an outgrowth of those meetings, seeking to understand how the elderly experience aging. Open to any caregiver, it will help make sense and sanity out of this trying time. Neurologist/psychiatrist Dr. Lindsey Gurin and memory loss pro Molly Fisher, experts in Alzheimer’s and other dementias, will provide medical and practical strategies and advice to improve everyone’s quality of life. Q&A to follow. This and two later events will explore aging and end of life through the whole family’s eyes.