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This event was part of Reimagine Events

Let’s Experience: Surviving a Sibling

Artist, facilitator, and surviving sibling Eileen Kielty leads a movement workshop that allows the body to restore a sense of safety, intimacy, and empowerment.

When we suffer a loss / traumatic experience, our body shifts into survival mode often disconnecting us from the present moment; switching our nervous system into autopilot. This workshop explores the power of movement (in all forms) and its ability to build and restore our intuitive nature and access to choice; something that trauma disrupts. Eileen will guide participants through embodiment practices: gentle movements and nervous system regulation tools that allow individuals to feel what is present in their bodies and to build energetic discernment. While processing the devastating reality of losing her sister to suicide, Eileen realized that she had also lost her life's witness and a deeply grounding relationship that provided undeniable context surrounding her place in the world.

This workshop, "What Moves Us", is meant to hold and create space for the body to move whatever it needs to in order to restore a sense of safety, intimacy and empowerment. We’ll discover what motivates, drives and inspires both the individual and this unique group of survivors. After sibling loss, oftentimes our foundational beliefs, values and priorities are rocked to their core. What if instead of trying to "make sense" of the grieving process, we approached it somatically (as it relates to our body / as we relate to our body) and allowed ourselves to "sense" what is present now? "What moves Us” is both a question and a statement…an inquiry and an invitation as well as a realized outcome.

Note: This is not a therapy session. However, this workshop does provide a therapeutic atmosphere. All bodies are welcome. You do not need to be a dancer or mover to attend. If you have a body, this workshop is for you! All those seeking more somatic understanding, tools and resources surrounding sibling loss are welcome. Remember, chosen family counts too. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes you can move in. We will not be wearing shoes; you can go barefoot or bring some socks for added safety and comfort. Please also bring a pen and paper for a brief writing prompt and be sure the space you're in has enough room for you to extend your arms out to the side without bumping into anything.

Eileen Kielty (she/her) is a queer multi-disciplinary artist, teacher and performer as well as a clairsentient intuitive and movement alchemist and facilitator. She is the creator and founder of Kaia Evolutions, a culmination of her life’s work and a love letter to her sister, Katie, who died by suicide in June of 2019. Eileen has degrees in both dance and psychology as well as extensive training in somatic integration, embodiment and intimacy practices and is passionate about consent-driven spaces with an emphasis on social justice. She has been working with bodies for almost two decades and has held countless positions within the arts, fitness, wellness and educational spaces; presenting both in person and on virtual stages. She recognizes the importance of illuminating the darker, often hidden, parts of the human experience through sharing openly and authentically as we’re not meant to do this alone. Eileen believes in the power of creative expression and its ability to reveal the unspoken language of being alive; that the body always knows and that movement is our direct connection to our deepest truth.



About the Series “Surviving a Sibling”

The "Surviving a Sibling" series, presented by Reimagine in February 2025, offers a vital space for understanding and supporting the often-overlooked grief of bereaved brothers and sisters. Known as "forgotten mourners," siblings often find their grief minimized after a family loss, as attention naturally focuses on parents and other close relatives. This three-part series aims to change that, providing a platform for connection, healing, and education. Each session will explore different facets of sibling loss, from the lifelong impact across various ages and relationship dynamics to the unique challenges of sudden or stigmatized deaths. Through storytelling, expert guidance, movement, and facilitated discussions, the series will offer practical tools for navigating grief, maintaining connection with deceased siblings, and fostering growth and transformation.

About Reimagine

Reimagine is a nonprofit organization catalyzing a uniquely powerful community–people of different backgrounds, ages, races, and faiths (and no faith) coming together to create a more compassionate world. We support each other in facing adversity, loss, and mortality and channeling life's biggest challenges into meaningful action and growth.



Grief Sibling Loss