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Brooklyn, New York

We are here to reimagine...

We are here to reimagine how people gain "end of life literacy", design a powerful and unique legacy, and include friends and family in the process of thinking through end of life plans.

Our Story

Our journey started after our close friend lost both her parents suddenly in a car crash. Since they hadn't finalized their Wills, this began a long and painful process for her. So we asked, what can we do to get people to stop avoiding this work and start creating their end of life plans? We began hosting workshops and developing a set of products, one to address each of the three pain points we...
Our journey started after our close friend lost both her parents suddenly in a car crash. Since they hadn't finalized their Wills, this began a long and painful process for her. So we asked, what can we do to get people to stop avoiding this work and start creating their end of life plans? We began hosting workshops and developing a set of products, one to address each of the three pain points we identified: A deck of cards to expose people to the decision that needed to be made, a board game to facilitate the social aspect of the conversation, and a workbook to actually put the decisions into writing. As a team, we've drawn heavily on our past experience supporting young people to envision their lives after graduation – as we now work with people of all ages, helping them to create a vision for the world after they're gone and to be intentional about the legacy they'll leave.

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