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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
Chicago City Limits

Chicago City Limits

New York, NY

We are here to reimagine...

We are here to reimagine the narrative surrounding end of life. In the context of the current pandemic, this mission has never been more important, and it's important for us to step up.

Our Story

Chicago City Limits has been delighting NYC audiences with its unique style of improv comedy for over 35 years. Along the way, CCL has garnered rave reviews from press and audience alike, called "The Perfect Masters of Improv" by the NY Times, "The best in improv theater." Washington Post, and "Simply hilarious." NY Daily News. CCL is the recipient of numerous NYC MAC awards for "Best Comedy...
Chicago City Limits has been delighting NYC audiences with its unique style of improv comedy for over 35 years. Along the way, CCL has garnered rave reviews from press and audience alike, called "The Perfect Masters of Improv" by the NY Times, "The best in improv theater." Washington Post, and "Simply hilarious." NY Daily News. CCL is the recipient of numerous NYC MAC awards for "Best Comedy Group" in the city.

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