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RaceWithoutIsm, Inc

RaceWithoutIsm, Inc

Saint Petersburg, FL

We are here to reimagine... America where all people fully understand the historical damage that the institution of racism has caused and its illogical persistence in our severely divided nation.

Our Story

RaceWithoutIsm™ was formed to foster the eradication of social ills, primarily that of racism, through dialogue generation, education and enlightenment, with ancillary focus on diversity and inclusion. We will spark conversations that are open, honest, and respectful to get at the root causes of racism; marrying emotion with reason... one heart at a time. Having 'the talk' about racism, we believe...
RaceWithoutIsm™ was formed to foster the eradication of social ills, primarily that of racism, through dialogue generation, education and enlightenment, with ancillary focus on diversity and inclusion. We will spark conversations that are open, honest, and respectful to get at the root causes of racism; marrying emotion with reason... one heart at a time. Having 'the talk' about racism, we believe, requires historical inspection of its genesis. The genesis of racism is not discussed in school books or in historical research papers. This omission creates a huge gap in inspecting and assessing the true, raw and indisputable abuses of Black people by the ruling caste in America; abuses that still linger in modern day USA. Are you brave enough?