Artists Use #DearEarth to Heal the Planet
We invited artists starting on Earth Day to post art that celebrates earth and envisions a sustainable future. Use the #DearEarth tag and keep posting year-round!
A resource by Bravo Valenti

Thank you. I love you. An Earth Day 2020 #DearEarth poem
by Bravo Valenti. (c) 2020 Healing A.P.E. Company. All Rights Reserved
Let’s sing a song of love and gratitude
For every longitude and every latitude
Every mountain and every ocean
That keeps this place in motion
For our ancient ances-tree
That gave birth to you and me
Her branches and roots
Her kaleidoscopic flowers
And succulent fruits
And her sap and bark
And Noah who built that ark
So the animals and we
could multiply
Into infinity
Let’s sing a song of gratitude and love
To the ground below us and the sky above
What were we thinking of
When we almost destroyed this place
And the whole human race?
Dreaming we might start over on a distant orb?
Here, let the ground absorb our tears
And suck up our fears of mortality
For we are immortal
If we so choose
We have nothing to lose
and everything to gain
how can I best explain?
It’s our sacred duty
To create beauty,
To end suffering, hatred and pain
So we are calling upon all
Who create art and heal
To help everyone feel
The importance of this moment
When oil crashed to below zero
And the sun became our new hero
and “Net Zero” the new anthem
Fossilized ideas and fuels?
Let’s ban them!
Our heart beats? Let’s scan them
Our futures? Let’s plan them!
Because this place and the human race
Ain’t going away
If we all step up to save this day
Earth Day
The planet of our birth day
The planet of our self-worth day
In every way
Should be every day
There is no dichotomy
Between Buddha and the Book of Deuteronomy
Between blue collar and white collar and Jesus and Allah
And the Harvard professor and the ghetto scholar
And the jungles of Indonesia
and the strip malls of Walla Walla
and the synesthesia
I saw-heard
The Indian chief, the plumaged bird
And the tribes of the Amazon and Amazon dot com
For only the Universe and the Supreme Power delivers
24/7 the eternal hum of AUM
of OM
Of this is your home
So protect it
Respect it
And hand it down to the next generation
Join us tonight as we put out a vibration
To save our ancestral planet Earth
And say to everything below you,
around you
and above you:
“Thank you. I love you.”