Can Artists Save Our Earth? Healing A.P.E Podcast
Mystical artist Bravo Valenti uncannily covers a wide range of subjects as he explores how artists can lead the narrative on climate crisis and heal our planet.
A resource by Bravo Valenti

Despite the efforts of scientists, environmental organizations, policymakers and technologists, for 18 of the past 19 years global warming has gotten worse. Now, mystic and artist Bravo Valenti calls upon his fellow artists to seize the narrative on climate crisis. "As artists, we are natural healers and the bearers of humanity's cultural legacy. Artists must now inspire the world to save Earth. All of the technological solutions to climate crisis exist. What is lacking is the spiritual awakening, the deep love and gratitude for our ancestral planet, that would never allow us to risk the future of our own home and home to our children and their children. As artists, we are uniquely poised to inspire, educate and entertain as we shift the planetary consciousness away from unbridled greed and materialism and towards love and gratitude for our ancestral planet, Earth.