Deserving "It"
Let's talk about what deserving "it" means, and also that everyone can have a different "it".
A resource by Diane Nnaemeka

Deserving “It”
We all deserve “it”, and “it” can be many different things. I am going to talk about my “it”, which is success and a good life, and why you deserve it too. I deserve this because I just do! I definitely did not always think I deserve it, and being younger, these things weren’t really even on my mind. But as we progress in life, you start to really think about what you want, and these are things I want! But let me tell you, wanting and deserving good things in life, is not something that is instilled in a lot of us while we are growing up. We are made to think that life always has to be hard, and that we will be stuck in this never-ending loop. BS! You can have what you want, you just have to be willing to work for it. And to put faith and action together, and make shit happen! A friend mentioned the faith and action principle to me last year, and I haven’t forgotten it. Also, we have to make room for the good things we want in life. Since a part of the good things in life will involve finances (don’t even try to deny it, you know it’s true, lol) you need to have faith, get rid of all the shitty, low paying things that are keeping you down, and raise your vibration so you can start accepting great things! It is not easy, but it is necessary.
Don’t just say you deserve it, make sure you feel it too, and start making plans and rearranging your life so you can get what you deserve!