Karuna Cards for Processing Grief
The Karuna Cards are a deck of 52 creative ideas to help process grief using writing, expressive modalities and thoughtful questions.
A resource by Claudia Coenen: The Karuna Project

Expressing your inner experience of grief allows you to explore it, process it and move through it. Creative expression is my own go-to activity when I have difficult times in my life so recommending journaling or moving was natural for me. When I worked in a hospice program, I often I recommended creative ideas to my grieving clients and the Cards were developed to help them get started.
The Karuna Cards contain writing prompts, open-ended questions, suggestions for processing grief through activities such as collage, energy drawing, walking in nature and reflection. Ideas for releasing emotion and begin to think about living fully again after loss. These cards allow a grieving person to explore their grief, express it and move through it.
My invitation to you is to shuffle the deck, pick a card and respond to it. If you do not like the card you picked, shuffle and pick again!