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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges

Salt Water

Salt Water is a platform and an online community for anyone grieving the loss of someone they can't live without and the people who love them.

A resource by Margo Fowkes

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The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.

~ Isak Dinesen

Salt Water is a platform and an online community for anyone grieving the loss of someone they can't live without – a child, parent, partner, sibling, close friend or pet – and the people who love them. We provide a safe harbor where you can find comfort, support and tools to survive your loss and rebuild your life.

Death can isolate you. At Salt Water, we want grievers to feel welcome, regardless of the type of loss they've experienced, what they believe, where they are in the grief process or how they're feeling. By finding common ground and connecting with other, we help each other heal and build a new life after the death of someone we will mourn and miss for the rest of our lives. As Ram Dass says, "we are all just walking each other home."

My Inspiration

After the death of son Jimmy in 2014 after an eight year journey with brain cancer and the death of my mother the following year, I launched Salt Water. The site is inspired by Jimmy's determination to live a rich, full life despite his circumstances. The blog posts and resources focus on healing and building a new life in the aftermath of devastating loss.

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