Spiritual Counseling
I assist you to expand your personal awareness and empower you to use that awareness to cultivate compassion and kindness for yourself and others in your life.
A resource by Illana Berger, PhD

Private sessions are always unique to the individual, couple or group. They are creative, inspired by the moment and the dynamics of our energies together. I meet you where you are and follow your unique process in a way that can support you to unfold and expand in a way that you might not be able to do by yourself.
So often you just need someone who can hear/see you, connect with you and your process without needing you to translate it; as if you and I speak the same language. I work with something called “shamanic transference.” It is a dynamic where you share your process with an empathic person, their psyche gets activated to imagine into your process in a way which nonlocally affects your psyche. So, then the two of us are carrying and reimagining your process. As a result, there is an awakening that is catalyzed and an ability to not only see into your life and situation but to begin to respond in a way that is compassionate and alive for both yourself, your family, co-workers and friends.
I earned a Ph.D. in Transformative Spirituality with an emphasis in Traditional Knowledge and Recovery of the Indigenous Mind from California Institute for Integral Studies in 2000. I am an expert in the field of relationship, divorce, indigenous wisdom, spiritual practices, Zen and personal transformation. I incorporate the study, experience, and integration of the world’s spiritual practices in my work as vehicles for the expansion and awakening of consciousness. Based in diverse spiritual practices my work emphasizes that healing and change begin with an internal shift and the ability to consciously notice thoughts and actions in order to make informed choices in your life. Changing and transforming your consciousness is the first step to transforming and changing your life and your relationships.
I have been working with individuals, couples and groups for more than 20 years assisting them to move their lives from suffering to joy and possibility. I trained with healers, elders and medicine people from around the world. I am also a Zen teacher working with Koans, as well as a Kriyaban in Kriya Yoga. I facilitate Wilderness Earth Quests i Mount Shasta, Ca, lead seminars and workshops and offer initiatory travel & programs. I have been an Adjunct Professor for JFK University in Campbell, Ca, a Zen teacher for Pacific Zen Institute in Oakland, Ca and am currently a spiritual teacher, counselor, Zen student and teacher and healer in private practice in Oakland and Santa Cruz, California.
Some of my beloved teachers over the years are: Zen Master John Tarrant from Santa Rosa, California, Zen Teacher Cheri Huber from Murphey, Ca, Urban Shaman, elder, healer and author Deena Metzger from Topanga, California, Indigenous Healer Mandaza Kandemwa from Zimbabwe, Africa, Traditional Drum Maker & Sun Dance Chief Dennis Miranda from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Jewish Shamanic Healer Rabbi Gershon Winkler from Thousand Oaks, California as well as my clients and students who have been some of the best teachers of all and finally my three sons who forever challenge me to be the best human possible.