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Widow Guide Life Coaching

Widow Guide Life coaching to help you adjust your relationship with grief, be the parent your children need & have dreams of your own.

A resource by The Widow Guide

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What clients are saying:

"Your hindsight gives me great foresight! Without your guidance I would be years behind my current state. Thank you for your experience and expertise in walking the widow’s journey. Your best practices help me answer my own questions in life." - Aaron Howard, Wealth Advisor, Widower and ever grateful client of

How do you continue on with your life as a widow and sole parent?

Even if you had life all figured out before the loss of your husband, you now find yourself struggling as the head of household and the only person responsible for your children. Having walked this journey, Michelle Hoffmann shares guidance on how to deal with the unthinkable like addressing your wedding ring, adjusting your social media, dating and finding the right surrogate to represent at the father-daughter dance. Michelle shows you the ways to take care of yourself and your children while moving through grief and rebuilding your future.

 In Life Worth Living you’ll learn:

•      The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Re-create Your Life on Your Own Terms.

•      The reasons you get stuck in grief and how to get through it

•      3 Techniques to support grieving children where they are most vulnerable

•      Tips to enjoy life’s celebrations and milestones without your spouse

•      The top 10 things you need to do to avoid losing your assets, job, and children

Download your free copy of Michelle Hoffmann's #1 Int'l bestseller Life Worth Living: A Practical & Compassionate Guide to Navigating Widowhood & Sole Parenting. at

Michelle Hoffmann is on a mission to empower widows to be the parent their children need and have dreams of their own.

Her expertise has helped families through all phases of grief by developing mindset and skills necessary to rebuild their life during a vulnerable time, giving them the solid results they need to create a Life Worth Living

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