YU:EXIST ~ A Symbolic Death + Rebirth Journey
YU:EXIST (yu translates "to exist" in Laotian) is an empowering 4-week experience designed to re-engage you to your life and to our shared world. .
A resource by BACII

YU:EXIST (yu translates "to exist" in Laotian) is an empowering 4-week experience designed to re-engage you to your life and to our shared world. Through learnings, practices, self-reflection and community gatherings, you’ll receive invaluable insights and awareness while making new connections and discoveries about your life. This can serve as a pathway to better understand, accept, heal, and prepare for the end-of-life.
My Inspiration
Our death-illiterate society, collective grief, and each of our individual experiences with our lives inspires this offering. This experience is intended to bring deep meaning, presence and transformation in your life.