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Embrace the Angel

Embrace the Angel

Annapolis, MD

We are here to reimagine...

We are here to "be at the side" and provide Angels (silk "Embrace the Angel" scarves, ties, and pillows covered with Angels) to comfort, elevate, and inspire those who are suffering. Silky Angels are our physical Link to the Other Side.

Our Story

I was born in LA, the City of Angels, at the Queen of Angels Hospital. I've given birth to an Angel and am surrounded by my beloved Circle of Angels. They guide my choices… my steps through Life. I do nothing alone. On my 27th birthday, October 30, 1980, my 4 ½ year old daughter, Amber, died. She knew she was dying and left many insights and revelations behind (I documented everything and wrote “...
I was born in LA, the City of Angels, at the Queen of Angels Hospital. I've given birth to an Angel and am surrounded by my beloved Circle of Angels. They guide my choices… my steps through Life. I do nothing alone. On my 27th birthday, October 30, 1980, my 4 ½ year old daughter, Amber, died. She knew she was dying and left many insights and revelations behind (I documented everything and wrote “Embrace the Angel”—free eBook on our website). At that Moment, I felt her merge with The Divine. It was an incredible miracle and I am blessed! For the last 40 years, I’ve stayed true to my Life Purpose of elevating others. I’ve shared her message of "Hope, Heaven, and the miracle of Life & Death” with the world, formed Tobias & Co. to donate Silky Angels to the bereaved and critically ill, give presentations and workshops, and pass out Guardian Angel coins/pebbles as I travel through Life.