Greater Good Science Center
Previous Reimagine events

Friday’s Dose of Togetherness: Mindfulness w/ Rick Hanson
April 10, 2020

Wednesday's Dose of Togetherness with Mirabai Bush and Golbie Kamarei
April 08, 2020

Monday's Dose of Togetherness: Gaining Perspective on Negative Events with Eve Ekman and Emiliana Simon-Thomas
April 06, 2020

Friday's Dose of Togetherness: What Matters Most with Pastor Corey Kennard and Dr. Jessica Zitter
April 03, 2020

Wednesday's Dose of Togetherness: Facing Uncertainty with Frank Ostaseski
April 01, 2020

Monday's Dose of Togetherness: Common Humanity with Eve Ekman and Emiliana Simon-Thomas
March 30, 2020