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Lisa Keefauver, MSW

Lisa Keefauver, MSW

La Jolla, California

I am here to reimagine...

Grief. I'm a widow, social worker, podcast host, author, and speaker on a mission to change the narratives of grief, one conversation at a time. As founder of Reimagining Grief, I aim to reduce unnecessary suffering in the wake of loss.

My Story

Grief activist who began as a social worker and narrative therapist – expanding in a variety of roles: clinical director, non-profit co-founder, speaker, and mentor. My insights on grief also come from my personal losses, including the death of my young husband at 44. I founded Reimagining Grief, with a mission to illuminate and dismantle the limited and misleading collective story of grief that c...
Grief activist who began as a social worker and narrative therapist – expanding in a variety of roles: clinical director, non-profit co-founder, speaker, and mentor. My insights on grief also come from my personal losses, including the death of my young husband at 44. I founded Reimagining Grief, with a mission to illuminate and dismantle the limited and misleading collective story of grief that causes so much unnecessary suffering. Best known as host of the top-rated podcast, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch, I’m also a speaker, organizational consultant, offer workshops and individual support. My unique approach led to teaching a Loss and Grief course at the University of Texas at Austin. As I began treatment for Breast Cancer in 2023, I delivered a TEDx Talk, Why Knowing More About Grief Can Make it Suck Less. My book, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch:An Uncensored Guide to Navigating Loss drops 6/24.

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