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Organizational Consultant - Grief-Smart Workplaces

Find out about the most missed equation in your workplace that is causing you to lose employees and maybe customers too.

A resource by Lisa Keefauver, MSW

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 Formula You've been missing an important formula. 100% of us experience grief (multiple times in our lives) + we spend the majority of our waking hours in the workplace = grief is in your workplace right now. Death loss, chronic or terminal illness, relationship endings, organizational change, global world events and more can all be sources of grief that show up in the workplace.

Service I offer a variety of ways to support you and your employees that will lead to a grief-smart organization - saving you time, money, and a decline in morale.

Services include Keynote speaking & ask-the-expert events, workshops & employee retreats, grief-smart policy & culture consulting, grief and empathy leadership coaching.

Learn more about how I can help you create a grief-smart organization here

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation here

My Inspiration

This work matters a great deal to me. Over the past two decades, I've been a leader who's had to hold space for employees, interns, and clients as they faced devastating personal losses, experienced professional transitions, and felt the effects of world events. I've also been the leader who showed up with my own grief, returning to my role as Clinical Director just two weeks after my husband died. The reasons for my return are part of why I care about shifting company culture. Still, I led by example with empathy, transparency, authenticity, and compassion. It not only helped me heal, it allowed everyone I served to see a way forward for their grief too. I'd be honored to support your organization on your path to creating a grief-smart culture too.

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