Shara Ogin, Intuitive Coaching
- Sausalito, CA
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I am here to reimagine...
I am here to reimagine what life would be like if we believed so much more were possible for ourselves.
If we got over our childhood wounds and steps triumphantly forward into the person we were put onto this planet to become.
My Story
For most of my life, I struggled with feeling unlovable and on the outside.
Then, this most amazing thing happened, after my 3rd year of clairvoyant school (about 5-7 years ago), as I began to heal my deepest darkest wounds, I started to manifest EVERYTHING I wanted in life.
And, I developed the ability to "see" precisely what was standing in the way of other people having what they wanted.
For most of my life, I struggled with feeling unlovable and on the outside.
Then, this most amazing thing happened, after my 3rd year of clairvoyant school (about 5-7 years ago), as I began to heal my deepest darkest wounds, I started to manifest EVERYTHING I wanted in life.
And, I developed the ability to "see" precisely what was standing in the way of other people having what they wanted.
And then came the higher calling. You need to help people to removed the cobwebs and blocks so they can step into their full potential and radiate at the frequency of light.
I currently work as an intuitive coach & energy healer and I want to support you in authoring the most powerful life forward from here.
For most of my life, I struggled with feeling unlovable and on the outside.
Then, this most amazing thing happened, after my 3rd year of clairvoyant school (about 5-7 years ago), as I began to heal my deepest darkest wounds, I started to manifest EVERYTHING I wanted in life.
And, I developed the ability to "see" precisely what was standing in the way of other people having what they wanted.
And then came the higher calling. You need to help people to removed the cobwebs and blocks so they can step into their full potential and radiate at the frequency of light.
I currently work as an intuitive coach & energy healer and I want to support you in authoring the most powerful life forward from here.