End of Life Care Community Advocate Training
This online course provides a comprehensive overview of advance care planning, palliative care, hospice and end of life care, and other related topics.
A resource by End of Life Choices New York

Too many New Yorkers suffer at the end of life. Over the years we have heard from professionals across diverse fields who recognize a need for more advocacy. They often report feeling under-informed and ill-equipped to support the communities they work with. However, the need for advocacy, support, and innovation is greater than ever.
In response to this need, we created the End of Life Care Advocate Training program. This fully online, self-paced course prepares professionals across disciplines to be better prepared to advocate for the communities they serve when planning for, or navigating, serious illness and the end of life.
This fully online, self-paced course provides a comprehensive overview of advance care planning, palliative care, hospice and end of life care, and other related topics (see curriculum below).
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe changes in death, dying, and disease in American society over time.
- Identify common challenges faced when planning for or navigating the end of life.
- Compare New York advance directives.
- Summarize advance care planning goals and approaches.
- Describe New York patient rights pertaining to advance care planning, palliative care, and hospice.
- Examine the role of palliative care when treating patients with serious illness.
- Describe communication methods and strategies for end of life conversations within a medical setting (e.g., goals of care).
- Examine the role of hospice in the care of terminally ill patients.
- Generate ideas for utilizing and integrating the course information and materials into community work.
For more information, and to enroll, please click here.