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Grief and the Depth of Your Love

Explore the potential power of “small actions” and ways grief is a doorway into a deeper awareness of what we cherish, love and are willing to tend.

A resource by Circles of Compassionate Care

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Spirals of fragrant incense, the soft swaying of Buddhist robes and a cliff- face walk… Join me as i follow three Buddhist nuns as they make an offering on PhutoShan, an island in China dedicated to Guaynin, the Goddess of Compassion.

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Our Inspiration

In PhutoShan I witnessed and participated in a simple observance of what it means to honor the power and relevance of making “small offerings” to support the greater whole. The experience remains fresh in my mind and informs my work as a Spiritual Care and Bereavement provider for a small rural hospice. Years later it led me to look deeply at the ways grief not only breaks our hearts and propels us into sorrow, but how it can reveal the deepest love within us and propel us to expand the landscape of what we love and do what love does.

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