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Individual Grief, End of Life, and Life Coaching

Coaching provides clients a safe space to explore emotions and experiences, goals and dreams. The client, as the expert in the work, leads the direction of the coaching.

A resource by Grieving Coach

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I am a Certified Grief and End of Life Coach, trained by Don Eisenhauer through Coaching at End of Life. I am also currently finishing up the requirements for becoming an Associate Certified Life Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF). I see myself as a travel buddy in the amazing journey that we call life. I see my buddies as the experts and believe that they have the answers within themselves to the obstacles and successes they encounter along the way. I feel privileged to accompany so many INCREDIBLE travelers and friends, past, present, and future.

As a Grief and End of Life Coach, I allow the clients to tell their story and discover what’s most important to them. I assure them of the normal processes of dying, death, and grieving. If the clients bring a Grief topic to the session, whether from death or losses in life, I ride the roller coaster with them, and when they’re ready, help them find their new normal and celebrate their growth. 

In Life Coaching, the client brings a challenge that they are facing or a goal that they wish to accomplish. Then as their coach, I help them come up with specific action steps that they can take to overcome their obstacles and accomplish their goals. I also guide them as they gain new insights about their current circumstances. I support my clients during the session through active listening, asking powerful questions, and encouraging them to stand in their greatness. I inquire about what I observe as well as highlight what they are learning.

My Inspiration

Connection and End of Life work are the essence of life for me. In 2017 I had the amazing experience of sitting with a friend days after the sudden death of her husband. Sharing that sacred space with her was so invigorating for me that I began my journey in the End of Life field. In 2018 I attended a Mindful Caregiving Education workshop offered through Zen Caregiving Project ( where I learned about what life and death means to me. For me, life is connection: to ourselves, our surroundings, and others. As I contemplated my own mortality, I discovered that death then, for me, was not the end of my mortality, but the loss of connection. Because I believe that our relationships do not end at death, but continue even after this life. The more I have embraced my journey in the End of Life field, the more connected I have felt with life and the more passionate I've become as a support person and coach. I have worked with INCREDIBLE people along the way and learned so much from the experts I work with. In helping people make sense of their experiences and stand in their greatness, I have learned so much to allow me to process my own adventures and shine in my own awesomeness.

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