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Living with Loss, One Day at a Time

Living with Loss, One Day at a Time offers daily encouragement to individuals and families who have lost a loved one or are suffering from any form of loss.

A resource by Rachel Kodanaz

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“Written by a grief expert with a lot of talent. Rachel knows what she is talking about. This book can be opened to any page and compassionate comfort will be found”. 

        —Andrea Gambill, Editor-in-Chief, Grief Digest Magazine

Living with Loss, One Day at a Time offers daily encouragement to individuals and families who have lost a loved one or are suffering from any form of loss. The 365 daily lessons and thought-provoking ideas provide hope, optimism, introspection, and self-discovery. There is no beginning or end to the book – the reader can skip around or dive in sequentially. The book is a great tool to spark daily communication with your family as each day provides a discussion item for all ages creating a meaningful dinnertime conversation. Living with Loss, One Day at a Time has been described as a practical guide to make it through each day after a loss. To purchase visit

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