Reframing Grief: Why It's Time 2Change The Lexicon
"In the space between heartbeats, in the pause between breaths, grief rewrites its story in the language of love." - Henry-Cameron Allen
A resource by The Lost Travelers Club

The Peregrine Post is the blog of The Lost Travelers Club, an empowerment organization for grieving parents. Find out more at www.LostTravelers.Club
Our Inspiration
"When my beloved 13-year-old son drifted away after living two years with brain cancer, the universe exploded. When COVID claimed my father, reality shifted. When suicide took my dear friend, time rewrote itself. Through each experience, I discovered that our traditional lexicon of grief—clinical terms like "bereavement", "loss", and even phrases like "against nature"—felt like cold, pale shadows. They were maps drawn for territories that no longer existed for me, compasses spinning wildly in new magnetic fields.
This is not just another discourse on grief. This is an invitation to revolution—a fundamental reimagining of how we speak about, think about, and live with grief. Not as a burden to bear or a journey to complete, but as dimensions of our existence as natural as breathing, as essential as love. For grief is not a mental health issue to solve or a wound to heal—it is a universal life skill, one that touches every human heart in countless ways: through the loss of loved ones, yes, but also through the end of relationships, career transitions, political upheavals, and even the natural passages of life itself."