Reimagine's Resources for Advance Care Planning
This list of resources, curated by Reimagine, will help you engage in important conversations about health care choices & advance care planning during COVID-19. Why wait?
A resource by Reimagine

My End of Life Decisions: An Advanced Care Planning Guide and Toolkit
A comprehensive guide to help you consider the options and decisions we need to make when planning for our own end-of-life care or that of our loved ones. Written prior to COVID-19, this guide has lots of good questions and guidance.
COVID-19 Advanced Directive Addendum
A 2-page addendum designed to accompany any advanced directive that asks specific questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and related treatment choices you might want (or not want) for yourself.
Prepare For Your Care During COVID-19
A comprehensive guide with written and video content, in English and Spanish, to help you consider the options and decisions we need to make when planning for our own end-of-life care or that of our loved ones. Created with visuals and accessible language to facilitate accessibility.
Link to Advanced Directives for each state in the US
A resource from Prepare For Your Care to help you find the advanced directive that is recognized in the state where you live.
Prepared by The Conversation Project, Cambia Health Care, and Ariadne Labs, this new guide helps us to prepare and take action during the coronavirus pandemic.
A short video from Alameda County Care Alliance's (ACCA) Cynthia Carter Perrilliat and Public Health Institute about some of the myths and facts about palliative care.
COVID Ethics Update - Advance Care Planning in Communities of Color
The Center for Practical Bioethics presents a conversation with Rev. Cynthia Carter Perrilliat, Executive Director and Co-founder of the Alameda County Care Alliance (ACCA), in Oakland CA and a member of the African American Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care Network, about the advance care planning toolkit and the role of advance care planning during pandemic.
Faith-Based Care Navigators: Promoting Well-being of Individuals with Serious Illness and Caregivers
Rev. Cynthia Carter Perrilliat, MPA, Executive Director, ACCA; Dr. Jill Joseph, MD, PhD, UC Davis School of Nursing and Research; Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson, Pastor, Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA; and Rev. Horacio Jones, Pastor, Family Bible Fellowship, Newark, CA share successes of the Alameda County Care Alliance (ACCA) Community Care Navigator model within communities, in particular Black and Brown communities. The talk spotlights the ACCA CarePlanning Workbook developed by the Faith-Based African American Community which includes a free advance directive along with identifying “What Matters Most to You.”
This Special 2020 Advance Care Planning (ACP) Edition by Dr. Gloria Anderson can help you and your loved ones talk about and make a plan in advance so that your doctors and your family can know what you would want in a medical emergency situation. The Guide offers trusted and relevant information, complete with helpful resources and free access links to advance care forms by State, so you can choose the right one.
Ministry on death and dying teaches people how to plan for the end of life
An article from Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership on how Bethel AME Church in Boston helps members plan for the end of their lives with a three-part program that is practical and spiritual. The ministry is in keeping with the church’s focus on health and wellness.