Reimagining Death by Lucinda Herring
Caring for our own dead, in ways that care for the earth. Children painting a father’s casket in bright colors, dancing on his green grave. This is Reimagining Death…
A resource by Lucinda Herring
Reimagining Death: Stories and Practical Wisdom for Home Funerals and Green Burials by Lucinda Herring. North Atlantic Books, 2019.
Winner of the Nautilus Gold Award for 2019.
My book helps you reimagine what is possible at the end of life. It empowers you to reclaim the innate, legal right to care for a loved one’s body after death, in the comfort and safety of your own home, within the loving embrace of family, friends and community, rather than give that sacred task away to strangers in the funeral industry. Learn about ecologically sound ways to dispose of our bodies after death – natural and conservation burial, Aquamation and Recompose, the soon to be implemented vision of turning human bodies into compost after death. The book offers compelling stories and poetry, practical information and guidance, resources and a 16-page color insert of home funerals and green burials photographs. All of which can inspire you to bring art, nature, beauty and healing ritual to the threshold of death – easing the shock of loss, and weaving joy and sorrow, life and death back together again in sacred wholeness.
Reimagining Death can be found at any local independent bookseller, retail online booksellers, and Amazon. It can also be purchased directly from me at, via PayPal, providing me with more financial resources per book to continue my promotion and educational work for others.