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Anticipatory|Después - Art on Caregiving & Grief

Anticipatory|Después is an ongoing body of artwork capturing the complex layers of trauma, dying, and grief through a caregiver’s eyes.

A resource by Brianna Hernández

display description

My ongoing body of artwork, Anticipatory|Después (A|D), captures the complex layers of trauma, dying, and grief through a caregiver’s eyes. Using video, installation, and performance, each piece shares the physical and emotional affliction of the dying, the caregiver, and at times the two concurrently.

Through A|D artworks, workshops, and resources, I offer communal opportunities for healing, and an honest, open dialogue around dying and grief.

View completed artworks on my website.

See in-progress elements on my Instagram.

My Inspiration

The U.S. tends to have difficulty confronting the realities of life as it relates to death and the process of dying, leaving many caregivers and the bereaved to feel isolated and shamed into silence in their grief and trauma. After becoming a caregiver and ultimately losing my mother to cancer, I have made an effort to break down this silence through my artwork and researched others sharing this desire across industries.

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